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What is an area considered?

An area is a 15 mile radius around your selected zip code. The green circles in the map above display your expected radius. We use this radius in order comply with NAR advertising guidelines.

What information do I get with a lead?

Seller Leads:
You will receive the potential sellers address, name, phone number, email address and time frame of when they are looking to sell.

Buyer Leads:
You will receive the potential buyers name, phone number, email address, price range, specifications, the buying time frame and area that they’re looking to buy.

Where do your leads come from?

We advertise on over 15+ different ad platforms. Our advertisements are custom tailored for each client. We target individuals that are likely to buy or sell based on specific demographic variables.

Are all leads exclusive?

Yes, all leads that you receive are completely exclusive and never shared with other agents or third parties.